
Organic, small batch, cold-brewed adaptogenic tea blends designed for wellness


Organic, small batch, cold-brewed adaptogenic tea blends designed for wellness


“Loving this black-owned organic tea company that also focuses on wellness.”

– Tia Mowry

“Loving this black-owned organic tea company that also focuses on wellness.”

– Tia Mowry

“Loving this black-owned organic tea company that also focuses on wellness.”

– Tia Mowry




After years of fighting a personal war with anxiety, depression and prescription drug addiction, Quentin Vennie journeyed to heal himself and developed a system to manage his mental health diagnosis with yoga, meditation, juicing and tea. Inspired and motivated by his own experiences and his son’s ADHD diagnosis, Quentin made the conscious decision to balance his son’s diagnosis with the same modalities he used to heal himself. This led to the creation of Equitea’s first green tea blend – a beautiful fusion of green tea and botanicals that would become his son’s ritual of focus and calm. Equitea’s blends are created with high-quality organic ingredients and are intended to taste great while boosting wellbeing.

Meet the founder: Co-Founder of The Equitea Co., Quentin is a celebrated wellness expert, international speaker and author of the bestselling memoir, Strong In The Broken Places. His work has been featured in the Huffington Post, Thrive Global, Entrepreneur, Fox News, MindBodyGreen, and many others. Quentin has been recognized as one of Black Enterprise magazine’s 100 Modern Men of Distinction and by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention for his contribution in raising awareness for mental health and suicide prevention. He has served as the wellness keynote speaker for Colin Kaepernick’s “Know My Rights” Camp in his hometown of Baltimore, MD and continues his work with youth in under-resourced communities, helping them understand their traumas and turn them into triumphs. As a former non-profit executive, he spearheaded initiatives that made yoga and mindfulness accessible among communities and populations that didn’t ordinarily have access to them.